Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Minnesota's Rabbis Stand Up, Speak Out

The Minnesota Rabbinical Association, representing the Reform and Conservative movements within Minnesota, announced their opposition to the proposed marriage amendment. The amendment, they insist,
seeks to continue the practice of leaving individual families within the LGBT community vulnerable and unprotected by the law. To honor an individual is to fight against discrimination in society for any reason, including race, religion, natural origin, gender, age or sexual orientation.

"Throughout history the Jewish community has faced discrimination, and therefore we will not stand by while others are targeted.

For the full article in the Star Tribune of the announcement, click here.

Now, the Orthodox Rabbis in Minnesota did not sign the statement. But hear what one Orthodox Rabbi from St. Louis Park had to say, and compare his respect for his congregants' conscience to the messages of Archbishop Nienstedt. Rabbi Chaim Goldberger:
Our feeling is individuals need to vote their conscience and should vote as they see fit.

If an Orthodox Rabbi offers this respect for the minds and hearts of his people, can we ask the same of our own leaders?

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